Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Library Scavenger Hunt

Last Tuesday, my English class met in the community room in the library.  That morning, I had read the email saying that was where we should report.  I never gave it a second thought when going to our normal classroom.  After walking all the way to the HMSS building in the freezing cold, I got to the door and found a note which reminded me to go to the library.  When I had finally arrived, the class had already divided into groups for a library scavenger hunt.  Once the librarian had put me into a group we went off to collect our items and print materials that were needed in order to return and receive credit.  Sweeney's class did this last year so I remembered most of it but it was a good reminder for locations of certain items.  My group was second to present and had no problems with finding any of the items.  Getting to learn about Worldcat was very interesting being that I had never heard of it.  RBC will find any book they don't have and borrow from another library in Virginia, which is pretty awesome! This was a great class and learning experience!

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