Thursday, February 6, 2014

Out Of Class Early!

Today in English, we talked about what we are going to write our papers on that are due next Tuesday.  Writing is not my strongest point at all and I am grateful for any sort of help and tips I can receive.  We did a brainstorming activity which involved writing words from the stories we have read.  Any sort of word that could be turned into a topic we put on the board.  There had to be at least over 50 words!  These types of activities always help me since I procrastinate on a lot of my schoolwork.  Our rough draft is due next Tuesday and I have yet to begin working on it at all.  Since it's not our final copy I'm not to concerned on having it prefect even though I want to have a good portion of it done since we have other papers to write.  After we finished brainstorming,Sweeney told us we were free to go, which was a whole hour early! Having early days off from class are my favorite! :)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Library Scavenger Hunt

Last Tuesday, my English class met in the community room in the library.  That morning, I had read the email saying that was where we should report.  I never gave it a second thought when going to our normal classroom.  After walking all the way to the HMSS building in the freezing cold, I got to the door and found a note which reminded me to go to the library.  When I had finally arrived, the class had already divided into groups for a library scavenger hunt.  Once the librarian had put me into a group we went off to collect our items and print materials that were needed in order to return and receive credit.  Sweeney's class did this last year so I remembered most of it but it was a good reminder for locations of certain items.  My group was second to present and had no problems with finding any of the items.  Getting to learn about Worldcat was very interesting being that I had never heard of it.  RBC will find any book they don't have and borrow from another library in Virginia, which is pretty awesome! This was a great class and learning experience!

Back To Blogging!

Well everyone, I guess it's that time again.  This semester I am taking English 102 with Professor Sweeney.  I am enrolled in 6 classes this semester, which is a lot but I think I can handle it!  The first day of classes is always the best, especially in Sweeney's class.  We started out playing "the name game!"  After that we got our contracts, which I think is pretty cool you get to choose what grade you want to achieve by the end of the semester.  The second day of class we talked about the reading we were assigned.  I didn't have the chance to read it since the bookstore sold out of the book by the time I went to buy it.  So instead of writing questions about the reading I just wrote funny questions, which a lot of other people had to do since they hadn't read it either.  Sweeney's class is always so fun and entertaining which is why I decided to take 102 with him!